Beautiful First Breath

My “baby” was baptized on Saturday by his 16 year old big brother.

brothers baptism

On Friday I remembered about a post my friend wrote for the blog about the baptism of her daughter and how it was as special as the day she was born.  I had not experienced that with my oldest sons baptisms, but I wanted to for this one.

I prayed and asked God to help me have a meaningful experience of my own.  I made sure I got up early Saturday to meditate and pray and study scriptures.  I stayed calm and relaxed before and during the services and really focused on staying present.  (At my other boys baptisms I remember feeling a bit frazzled and overwhelmed.)

I waited and watched with my spiritual eyes.

The talk about baptism was lovely.

My middle son and 8 year old sang When I Was Baptized.  It was lovely.

The talk on the Holy Ghost was great!

Our family went last for the baptism.  We went into the font area.

Then I saw.

I wish I was an artist and could draw the image I had.  I can still see it so clearly in my mind.

It was when B. came up out of the water and was all wet and then he took his first breath.

Suddenly I was back at his birth, when he emerged and his head was all wet and he took his first breath and gave a bellowing cry.

It was so similar, I almost expected to hear crying.

But suddenly he was my 8 year old boy again smiling and laughing as his big brother tried to get the plug undone from the bottom of the font.

The rest of the day was lovely.

Another song by the boys.  (They sang this in the room we did the confirmation.)

Lunch with family and friends.

Park with family.  It was so great having all the grandparents, aunts, uncle and cousins.

Being together!!

Then I saw more

I was exhausted by the time I made it to bed.  It was almost midnight but I knew I had to write down what I had seen.  It was a gift I was given and I needed to honor it by writing it.

As I wrote about seeing B’s first breath, I saw more.

It was so neat to see him baptized by his older brother.  I remembered that moment of him coming out of the water all wet and breathing that first breath and I saw D. there too.  That D was looking down at B love.  It hit me in my heart.  His older brother baptized him!  There was cool symbolism in that.

It was the sacrifice of his Elder Brother Jesus Christ that we are all able to be baptized and cleansed of our sins.

Seek after these things

When we seek for things we will find them.  Once women realize that births can be spiritual, they start seeking to see those spiritual things and then they are able to see them.  I don’t know if I would have had that moment if I hadn’t asked to see it.  I want to continuously seek to see the spiritual things going around me always.  I pray you do to!

mom and baptism boy


2 thoughts on “Beautiful First Breath”

  1. Sheridan, I love this! I wish I had not been so frazzled at my daughter’s baptism. It had been a bad night with the baby the night before. But I did get to sit down after and enjoy some lovely time with her. Congratulations to T3!

  2. Heather@Women in the Scriptures

    Oh, I love this Sheridan. I think it is so true that it is only when we start to look at things with our spiritual eyes that we have spiritual experiences in things that seem ordinary. I am slowly learning to that if I want a certain experience I need to pray to ask god to help me want it, or to see it or to feel it!

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