Have you had to wait upon the Lord?- VBT- #6

I love this post by Bri’s Thoughts. She is our next stop on our Virtual Book Store and I promise you don’t want to miss reading her post. If you have had to wait upon the lord in any aspect of your Child Birth Experience, this post is such an inspiration!

“Learning to wait upon the Lord’s timing can be difficult, particularly when we lean on
our own understanding.
A woman waiting for a child, whether she is waiting to conceive, waiting to go
into labor, or waiting for the imminent birth of her child, has a unique
opportunity to put her faith and trust in the Lord and demonstrate her
willingness to wait on Him. When she is patient and hopeful, she opens herself
up to receive miracles, great truths, and spiritual gifts.” – Heather Farrell,


Thank you Bri for a Great post.
