LDS Birthy Momma Christmas Wish List

It’s that time of year!  Lani wrote a great post on Birth Faith with ideas for gifts for the baby shower basket.  I love her idea of giving the gift of an emergency birth kit.  I love practical and useful gifts like that.  Along with that I have found a few birth books by LDS authors for your favorite LDS Birth junkie. If you know of any others by LDS authors, please let me know.  I would love to add them to this list.


Pregnancy, Childbirth and Your Growing LDS Family by Kathleen Tooley Johnson, RN

LDS birth book

This book is a hands on how-to of birth.  It is geared toward natural birth but any mom to be would find the information helpful in preparing for birth. I also liked how the relates scriptures and gospel principles to pregnancy and childbirth.


Zion’s Hope: Pioneer Midwives and Doctors of Utah by Honey M. Newton, CNM



I have enjoyed the brief peak into different midwives and doctors of our pioneer history that the author compiled into this book.  Their faith in birth and motherhood is so uplifting.  You can read more about this book in this post where the author was kind enough to tell us more about the process of writing Zion’s Hope.


Wise Childbirth, What You’ll Want to Know as You Make Your Birth Choices by Jennetta Billhimer

Wise chilbearing


I admit that I have not read this one.  It is not geared specifically for an LDS audience but it is written by an LDS author.


The Way of the Peaceful Birther by Amy Cox Jones

Peaceful Birther


This book is available only on kindle.  I have only read the excerpt provided by Amazon.  It is not written specifically for an LDS audience but the author is one of the organizers behind the LDS Holistic Living Conference.


Creating a Joyful Birth Experience by Lucchia Capacchione and Sandra Bardsley, RN

joyful birth

Sandra Bardsley is LDS and co-authored this well-balanced childbirth preparation book.  I bought this book before I realized Sandra’s connection to the Church.  I even used a quote from their book when writing my “Healing From Sorrow” essay in The Gift of Giving Life.


Polly’s Birth Book: Obstetrics for the Home by Polly Block

Polly's Birth Book


This book is great for emergency preparedness and/or midwifery educational purposes.  You can read more about this book here and here.  You can order this book on Amazon or contact Polly’s daughter on Facebook:

And we can’t forget The Gift of Giving Life!



We hope you will take advantage of our upcoming sale price on our book for the holidays.  Stay tuned!

And, my wish as a LDS birth junkie momma would be to have a lovely spiritual birth DVD documentary for moms.  Doesn’t that sound lovely?  Someday maybe . . . but if you have some resources you would like to put to use, let us know!

Do you have any great ideas for birthy mommas?

Happy holiday shopping!
