VBT #10: Still Parenting- Rediscovering the Magic of Birth

Today’s Virtual Book Tour post comes from Arianne at Still Parenting. Arianne’s post made my day. Not only is it beautifully written, she made it even more beautiful with her stunning photos. Like this one…

Here’s an excerpt from Arianne’s post:

I’ve come to love birth. I love what my body does. I’m in awe of it. I love the raw, intense beauty of birth. The sacrifice, the symbols, and the surrender bring me closer to Jesus Christ–the center of my religious faith. Unfortunately I’ve found myself dwelling more on the negative this pregnancy because that’s what the majority of women around me are doing. It’s hard not to get sucked into the conversation.

I needed to have a support group of women who believed in the magic of birth. But where would I find them?

So. I was on the couch, blowing my nose in misery, thinking of all this, when the answer to my dilemma was tossed on the porch by the mailman. My daughter heard the plop of the package and excitedly ran to retrieve it. Inside brown paper wrappings I found a book covered in pink petals. It was titled The Gift of Giving Life: Rediscovering the Divine Nature of Pregnancy and Birth. . . .

I cracked the cover while resting on the sofa and was immediately sucked into the pages. Here were the friends I needed, dozens of them. They all shared their spiritual experience of birth. And there were essays that took me deeper into the magic of birth than I’d ever ventured.

Read the rest of her post HERE.
