Categories: Birth StoriesPrayer

After the Trial of My Faith

This  birth story is from my friend Shauna. We met each other in a modern dance class at BYU  years ago and recently  we “found” each other again through our blogs. I asked Shauna to share her story because I think it is a wonderful reminder that God  cares about his daughters and their experiences giving birth.

My name is Shauna and I live in the beautiful state of Oregon.  I was so flattered when Heather asked me to share my birth story of our most recent angel and our first boy.

We welcomed our beautiful baby into our family five months ago.  Holding my newborn children have been some of my most precious moments.  His birth experience was especially precious to me because Heavenly Father blessed me with an amazing faith-building opportunity.

Our plan was to birth at a local birth center.  I liked this out-of-hospital option and my husband appreciated the close proximity to the hospital in case of emergency.  During my 40-week visit, the midwife informed us that if labor did not start by Sunday evening, we would have to birth at the hospital.  The OB/GYNs who back the midwives require the woman to be between 37 and 40 weeks to birth at the birth center.  On Monday I would be 41 weeks.   You can bet I prayed hourly, sometimes more, for our baby to come by Sunday.

No such luck.

In one last desperate attempt to induce labor, I walked about one mile to and from a friend’s birthday party, but labor did not come. 

That night I prayed very fervently.  I learned from my recent study on faith that Heavenly Father is able to grant our petitions according to our level of faith.  He cannot bless us more than we believe He can.  I knew that Heavenly Father could make a birth center birth possible.  I did not doubt his infinite power.  Where my faith was lacking was in my ability to receive the miracle.  I understood for the first time how those who plead to the Lord, “Help thou my unbelief” felt.  I felt so inadequate, so helpless in this situation.  I knew Heavenly Father could make a birth center birth possible, but did I have enough faith to call down the blessing?  I tried.  I prayed and worked my faith to the best of my weak ability.

We went to bed late Sunday night, and I was despondent but resigned that it was not Heavenly Father’s plan for me to birth at the birth center.  Perhaps there would be some emergency and it would be a blessing that we were at the hospital.  I cried and my husband comforted me. 

I woke up Monday morning of course needing to go to the bathroom.  After doing so, I stood up and water gushed out of me.  My water had broken!  This was a new experience for me.  After cleaning up, I called the midwife to let her know and she asked where we were planning to birth.  I stated that we were hoping to birth at the birth center, but since I was 41 weeks this day, I didn’t think that it was a possibility.  The midwife said that we could choose!!!  Of course I chose the birth center.

A miracle happened in my life!

It was no great miracle, but it was miraculous to me.  I went to bed Sunday night thinking there was no way we could birth at the birth center.  Monday morning I awoke essentially in labor, and Heavenly Father put the best midwife in my path to make my desires possible.   I don’t think the location of my child’s birth is eternally significant.  What is eternally significant to me is that I now know that I am capable of exercising my faith and calling down the powers of heaven to help me and my family.

And I learned that lesson in the most beautiful way, through birth.

“And now, I, Moroni, would speak somewhat concerning these things; I would show unto the world that faith is things which are hoped for and not seen; wherefore, dispute not because ye see not, for ye receive no witness until after the trial of your faith.”Ether 12:6


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