
How I Joined the Mormon Church – Waiting 3 Years

Here is the next post in my series: How I Joined the Mormon Church Is there a God? Early Morning…

11 years ago

7 Spiritual Languages – How do you Communicate with God?

(I originally wrote this post in 2010 on my Enjoy Birth Blog.  I have added some new thoughts, marked with…

11 years ago

Video at Andrea’s Spiritual Baby Shower

I video taped Andrea talking about The Gift of Giving Life at her Mother's Blessing, which ended up being the…

11 years ago

Being Reminded of what I’d always known, but had forgotten.

So happy to have Helen be a part of our Virtual Book Tour.  She actually had written this post on…

11 years ago

Who Will Be Your Angel? – VBT #3

Today we have a book review from Heidi. Heidi is a doula, birth photographer, and childbirth educator in the DFW…

11 years ago

Feel Connected to Other Women – VBT #2

Jamie did a nice review of our book on her blog - I Love Junk Mail. Here is a snippet…

11 years ago

Great Even Before You Are a Mom – VBT #1

One of our first readers last year was a sweet single sister, who LOVED our book.  We all were inspired…

11 years ago

Virtual Book Tour is Starting on Monday!

A BIG thanks to all the readers who are participating.  We even made some video interviews of readers.  Here is…

11 years ago

The Beautiful Birth of Grace

Thank you to Kristall for sharing her birth story with us! I don’t believe in love at first sight. My…

11 years ago

Lots of Fun Upcoming Events!!

3 Book Signings on April 6th – Ladies Night Out! Heather will be at: Fort Union Deseret Book Store (1110…

11 years ago

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