Categories: Virtual Book Tour

Can Fear About Birth Lead to Fear Throughout Parenting?

My friend Brittany and I have shared first born woes.  I am about 3 years ahead of her time wise.  But we both had traumatic first birth experiences and unique challenges with our first born children.  In reading her blog post where she talks about our book, I see this connection that she talks about the fear she had during trying to get pregnant, staying pregnant and birth has shadowed her parenting and I too have recently discovered that connection as well.

So how could having a more spiritual pregnancy and birth help you have a more positive parenting experience?  Well the patterns we set with our child during our pregnancy and birth could continue throughout their lives unless we concsiouly change them.  If we can start them off with trust and faith it could only help!

Hop over to Brittany’s Blog My Life Herding Cats to read about her thoughts on her first birth and on The Gift of Giving Life.

You might also think if, like me, you have no plans to EVER be pregnant again that you don’t really need this book. Wrong. I have learned so much from reading through these stories. This book is an awesome reminder that Heavenly Father has not only blessed us with the ability and privilege of giving birth, but also to nurture and raise our children. All of it is pretty stinkin’ hard most days, but if we’ll put our trust in Him and ourselves, we can do it. We have no need to fear.


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