
7 Spiritual Languages – How do you Communicate with God?

(I originally wrote this post in 2010 on my Enjoy Birth Blog.  I have added some new thoughts, marked with…

11 years ago

My Favorite Birth Photos

I'm so glad I had my friend Cassie and my sister-in-law Brooke there as my doulas/photographers. I created a slideshow…

12 years ago

Receiving Michael

Shari shares the healing journey she experienced as she brought her special son, Michael, to Earth. It gives us much…

12 years ago

VBT #8: Newborn Photographer interviews Lani Axman

I was honored to be interviewed for today's Virtual Book Tour post by the phenomenal newborn photographer, Amber Fife, of…

12 years ago

In Good Hands

Today's Women's History Month stories come from our Latter-day Saint birthing history. I fantasize about having a book containing all…

12 years ago

Here Am I

This guest post is by Mandy Williams, who I came to know through my work with ICAN (Internatinal Cesarean Awareness Network).…

12 years ago

Tender Mercies

The following is a beautiful birth story that demonstrates the Lord's goodness and kindness and His knowledge of our individual…

12 years ago

Answered Prayer

I received an email from one of our readers, sharing how my essay "Unity with Providers of Care" (in the…

12 years ago

Meditation: A Gospel Perspective by Felice

One of my favorite chapters in our book is the one on meditation.  This post from our archives contains many…

12 years ago

Our Babies: How We Came to Name Them

After reading a post on Bonnie's blog I asked her to submit a complete version about how she and her…

12 years ago

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