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Chainbreaking and Rebirth At Its Finest with Abe Lincoln, Joseph Smith, and More

A few weeks ago I had a visit from Joseph Smith and Abraham Lincoln.  I was carried away in the spirit, or as I sometimes call it, the imagery state.  I was also in a lot of pain (epic headache) and I realized that they had come to bless me.  I was half delirious but clearly heard every word they said. My intuitive friend who was with me in the imagery state also witnessed every word.  Neither of us can repeat what they said. We try, but we just lose all the words.

Shortly thereafter, my migraine diminished and I was left to ponder the possible meanings of this visit. I knew the migraine was the result of an emotional contraction. I have been birthing another book/manual. It’s titled Awake As in Ancient Days: The Christ-Centered Kundalini Yoga Experience.  It has been a wonderful wild ride. Like TGOGL it has been divinely guided. But I have had much less time to write this one. (The Gift of Giving Life took 3 years and 5 authors—this one has been 5 months and 1 author, although I have had lots of help.)

This God-given time crunch has forced me to face some deep issues about time. Not long ago I healed some old issues about prosperity/lack when I embraced that my Dad (God) is rich, and have let him provide for me in miraculous ways. It would take too long to list them, but let’s just say it has been 1000x better than having a real life millionaire father. Healing my beliefs about time is the last piece of this healing.

Time, like money, is not exactly real. But it is how we reckon things. For the most part, we travel through it linearly. But God is not bound by time. All things are present with him (ref), which means that in a way we don’t totally understand, he can see past present and future all at once, and so technically he time travel.

I’ve been totally on board with time travel for a while—obsessed actually—and I often communicate with past and future self in the imagery state.  But my obsession with time has a shadow side. The issues go back to birth and before. I was born on my due date (less then 5% of babies are!) and from my earliest memories I have always felt extreme pressure to be on time. It physically pained me to be late. I don’t mind so much anymore if others are late, but if their lateness caused me to be late, it would drive me crazy. I have ended friendships over it in the past.  All these issues started to come up as I wondered how I ever could write the kind of book God needed in such a short time.

I consciously believed God could expand time. I understood that He was infinite and that all would work out. But I had a huge burden of emotional stuff to release. The overall theme of this emotional stuff was: other people will die or suffer if I am late. I think it has a lot to do with my sacred contract, which I have always known on a soul level, even if I didn’t remember it. And I know I had some pre-mortal worries that I took into this life about fulfilling that contract in time.

Proceed forward in time now to my bedroom. I have an icepack on my head. A whole day of work on the book is lost.  Two men reach out through time and history and space and give me a metaphysical blessing. Their visit was unexpected. I have never had a visit from either of them before (that I know of). My visitors are usually ancestors. As I pondered their legacies and what they had in common I realized that both of them had huge sacred contracts. Both knew on some level what they had been foreordained to do, and that they had to do it sooner rather than later.  Some would say that they had their time “cut short.” Yet their legacy holds more than their years can explain, unless they were on God’s time.

Joseph’s contribution may be less known the world, but one day all will know that he was midwife to the rebirth of Christ’s church on the earth, and Abraham Lincoln was instrumental in the rebirth of our nation. A rebirth out of the dark age of slavery and prejudice.  Both freed people in chains, some physical, some metaphysical. Both prepared the way for the unborn to fulfill their own missions. They prepared the way for me.

My own heritage includes Mormon pioneers on my mother’s side and African American slaves on my father’s side. I am deeply indebted to them both for having the courage to do what they were inspired to do.

There is one other man of similar stature in my eyes, to whom I am indebted. The man affectionately named Yogi Bhajan. He has never visited me in his astral body, but I hear his voice in my mind often. He was the highest living Kundalini Yoga Master and the first one ever to break with tradition and not only teach it openly but to train teachers.  The secrecy of this science had kept it pure for many thousands of years, but Yogi Bhajan realized that the time had come to restore it to the world so that we could be ready for the age (right now!) that would usher in the millennium.

Kundalini Yoga and Meditation is the ancient science of unfolding your divine potential. It is sometimes called the sacred science of God-realization. There is evidence from multiple sources now (scrolls from Tibet) that show that Jesus may have spent his “lost years” in India studying this sacred science.

I have shared a few testimonials from others before on this blog, and you can read and watch more here. All I can say is that it works. And it works fast. You can break the chains of addiction, of ancestral heritage, of Satan. You can be reborn.

As a tribute to these men (Abe has a birthday today!), and to the idea of rebirth, I am teaching a 6-week rebirthing series that officially starts February 26, 2014. You can stream it to your computer wherever you are, whenever you are. More info is here. There is also a free e-book there and free podcast.  Enjoy! Happy rebirthing!




I am a mother, writer, hypnotherapist, pregnancy yoga teacher, Kundalini Yoga and Meditation teacher, and spiritual childbirth educator. I like to eat vegetables and play in the ocean. I am humbled to be part of this great work.

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