Categories: Virtual Book Tour

Ending Birth Wars – Virtual Book Tour Stop

I am so excited that we are on Rixa’s Blog – Stand and Deliver for today’s stop on the Virtual Birth Tour.  Rixa is a contributor to our book and we love her.  🙂

I did a guest post there today about Ending the Birth Wars. Here is a little snippet:

Contention of any kind – whether it is between countries or between birth choices – is going to create conflict and fear, which will drive away the spirit. How can I be a good educator, doula, mother or friend if I don’t have the spirit of love?

I get that fear sells and gets high readership stats. But does it help mothers on their journey?

I get that fear creates drama, which some people like. But does it help mothers on their journey?

Fear does not allow the spirit to guide. Fear does not allow people to feel their intuition, which is one of our most powerful gifts as mothers. So we need to stop using fear to try and motivate others. It will not help create positive change.

Please stop on by to read the whole post!

Happy Memorial Day to everyone!


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