We want to give a big thank you to all the participants of our Virtual Book Tour. It has been so rewarding to get such positive preliminary feedback about the book. In case you missed it, our final book tour post was a lovely book review from Jen at Segullah. Here’s an excerpt:

The stories are written by women who gave births in hospitals and homes, with and without drugs, vaginally or by C-section, exactly as they had planned or under wildly unpredictable circumstances. Their experiences are vastly different from one another, yet the common thread throughout is the faith that sustained each new mother. Prayers were offered and answered. Priesthood blessings were asked for and received. The Holy Ghost provided direction, strength, comfort, and healing, and angels were in attendance as tiny new lives were brought into the world.

Read the rest of Jen’s wonderful review HERE.

A week from today we are hosting a Book Launch Party at 6:00 in downtown Salt Lake City. If you’re planning to attend, it would be wonderful if you could visit the facebook event page and RSVP so we can get an idea of how many people to expect and how much food to provide. Please share the event with anyone you think might be interested. We hope to see you there!

As a treat for our Book Launch Party, I’m putting together a slideshow. We’d love to include some photos of your “gift babies”–children you have birthed under the influence of The Gift of Giving Life (the actual book, the blog, or both). They can be either photos of your baby alone or being held by you (or others). We’d also love to include quotes and testimonials from readers about how The Gift of Giving Life has positively impacted their lives.

If you want to participate, please send your photos and/or testimonials to me at laniaxman at gmail dot com with “TGOGL slideshow” as the subject. Can’t wait to see those sweet babies and wonderful words.

My own "gift baby" (photo courtesy of Fife Photography)


Lani A.

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