Categories: Book

We Finally Meet!

We have been a bit quiet for the past week, because we have been so busy.

Virtual Book Tour is Over

Our Virtual Book Tour ended and was a lot of fun.  We enjoyed “meeting” so many other bloggers and hearing their thoughts about our book.  If you missed it you can see all the stops here.

LDS Holistic Conference

When the book tour ended we shifted into LDS Holistic Conference and Book Launch Party Mode.  Last Friday I flew up to Salt Lake City and Heather picked me up.   That night some of us went to the temple.  (Lani couldn’t go because her baby was sick and Heather went to the LDS Holistic Speaker Dinner)  It was so great to be there together.

That night I went back to Heather’s house.  She was telling me about her plans for her talks the next day.  She was really hoping that a pregnant mom would be in her first class, because she wanted to do a Mother’s Blessing.  So I suggested we pray for a pregnant mom to be there.

Then Saturday morning we all met up at the LDS Holistic Conference.

We got to finally meet everyone in person!

From Left to Right – Robyn, Heather, Sheridan, Felice, Lani

Meleah couldn’t make it because of having a new baby and not wanting to drive up with a newborn.  We missed her!




Heather taught 3 classes.  Here she is with her first class, the one we prayed a pregnant woman to be at.

Well, there was ONE  pregnant woman there.  She came to our booth later that morning and told us her story.

The night before she felt like she should really go to the conference.  Her husband said, “Then go!”  They had been planning on painting a room on Saturday, but decided to put it off.  But even more impressive, she had to wake up at 3AM to drive to the conference!  She did get there a little late, but when she was at our table we sent her upstairs for the end of Heather’s class.  She was there in plenty of time for her Mother’s Blessing.  Which was so touching.  I cried hearing the wishes these women had for her.

What a powerful example of prayer.  We prayed a pregnant woman there!  🙂

All in all the classes were amazing and it was so great to be there with all the GOGL girls.  We also sold 70 books which was great!  It was also neat because a few people had already heard about our book.


After the conference we headed over to SLC to have a gathering with the authors and their families. Robyn ended up not making it, as she had to head back home.  But the rest of us enjoyed dinner and visiting with each other.

All too soon it was over, Heather and I headed to her house.  The next morning I got to go to church with them and then it was off to the airport to fly back home.

Book Launch?

I missed that part as I had to be back home, so hopefully one of the other ladies will post about that!


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