Categories: BookDadsMotherhood

“It Gave Me Hope”

I spent a lovely weekend in Utah.  I flew up to join Robyn at the Empowering Fearless Birth Conference.

I got to spend Friday with my Sister In Law for her birthday and that was fun.  We went to dinner and watched a chick flick.  Safe Haven – sweet movie.

Then it was Saturday and that was a full, long day.  Robyn and I met early and set up our table.


Our panel was in the morning.  There were 5 of us on the panel – Me, Robyn, Cherylyn, Rebecca and John.  (Umm, how did we forget to get a picture of the panel???)  It was so great to have a man on the panel, to hear his insights into birth and how it can be sacred.  I loved meeting Cherylyn and Rebecca.  I think we were a great panel.  🙂

There were probably 15-20 women who came to the panel.  Most had read our book.  After introducing ourselves we took some questions from the audience.  One that sort of stumped me was – “How were your births spiritual and what did you do to prepare for that?”  I will post about my response later this week.

My favorite part was when Rebecca asked the women who came why they chose our class to come to.  It was so touching to hear their replies.  My heart was so full and the spirit so strong as I heard how important and meaningful our book has been to them.  It makes all the hard work worthwhile!

Meeting Moms

Then the fun of being a vendor began.  There were moms everywhere in the vendor area and it was fun to talk with the ones who stopped at our table.  Most had not heard of our book and it was wonderful to be able to share it with them.

Then there were the women who had already read our book.  It was so wonderful to meet them and hear their stories.  Some are very tender and private so I will not share them here. But I wanted to share my joy at meeting each of them and so appreciate the stories they shared with us!

I think the overwhelming message was that The Gift of Giving Life gave them hope through different challenges and also hope with becoming a mom.


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