Categories: meditationMotherhood

Light Warrior-Mother

For the last 8 weeks I have been teaching a kundalini yoga and meditation Series called Being and Raising a New Age Child. What is a new age child? A new age child is a child of the latter days. The dawn of the new age was not indicated by any plantary movement or world calamities so much as it was indicated by the birth of some very special children. These are the ones that the ancients predicted would come. A new age child has come to usher in the millenium

Many of you reading this are new age children and are parents or will be parents to a new age child. They are special children—in any and sometimes every sense of the word. To learn more about what it means to be or have a new age child, you can read the course description here.

So for the last 8 weeks, I have been thinking more than usual about what it means to be parents in the new age, when we are literally living in the prophecies. Some of us are also re-parenting ourselves along with our children.

I have never loved war metaphors or hymns that talk about battles, but a few years ago I started using the term light warrior, to describe certain people that I couldn’t describe any other way.

A friend recently pointed out that in the ancient scriptures many of the great prophets were also fierce warriors. I had not previously noticed this—or didn’t include it as part of their identity. Nor would I have included it in my identity, until recently.

Now that I look around, I see that I am surrounded by this concept everywhere.

For example, I hang around a lot of Sikhs. If you have ever learned about the Sikh faith you will know about the Soldier- Saint concept. Most Sikhs that I know carry a sword—(in America it is sometimes a very small sword on a pendant) to remind them of this. I won’t go into the history of the Sikhs, but the Saint-Soldier is a compassionate humanitarian as well as a defender of liberty and religious freedom.

While trying to do some archetype work to help me learn more about my sacred contract (mission in life) I found that to my surprise, while I identify with the Artist, Healer, and Teacher archetypes, I identify more strongly with the Destroyer. Many therapists,  healers and teacher are actually Destroyers. Destroyer of illusions, habits, and other things.

It is illusions that I want to address.

I love science. I also love when science admits that they don’t know whowhatwhy. One thing we know from science and from Quantum Physics is that we see with our eyes less than 1% of reality. A lot less than 1%. That means that there is a huge amount going on that we don’t see. And much of what we believe is based on a minute part of big picture.

Every now and then I get a glimpse a big picture—it is almost like God pulls back a corner of the curtain and I see just a little bit more.

I am convinced that if we could see with our spiritual eyes for just 15 minutes it would change everything. First of all, I am sure we’d be surprised to see just how supported we are. How we are surrounded by angels, and ancestors and supportive energy that we don’t understand. Maybe we would be more grateful for this support. Maybe we could call on these angels more. Angels have to respect our agency, so they often wait for us to invite their help.

If could also see the many subtle and not subtle ways we are under attack, we might make different choices to protect ourselves and our children. Children are an easy target. They are vulnerable.  They are preyed on by subtle, dark forces whose sole purpose is to destroy them, destroy you, your marriage, and your family. Seriously. If a devil torment your child and get them to melt down enough times, you might just lose it, right? You might have a fight with your spouse about what to do about this child. That tension might create more tension…In truth, you just need to cast out the devils.

Even very young children are vulnerable to devils and unclean spirits and they get in when you invite them in to your home by sinning against the light that you have. For most LDS people, the two biggest culprits are judgment and anger. These will let darkness in every time. That is why it so important to protect your family by filling yourself with light and truth and being awake. Most judgment and anger comes from your unconscious mind which is not the awake part. And the only way to clean out and fill THAT part with light is to work on the unconscious level.

Every mother these days needs to be an awake light warrior.  So cast out the scorner! And follow Nephi’s counsel:

“Awake, awake! Put on strength, O arm of the Lord; awake as in the ancient days.” –2 Nephi 8:9

I love this scripture! For one, because I love a properly used exclamation mark, and also because I have been blessed to be led to meditation as a wonderful awakening tool. Specifically, I believe the Kundalini Yoga Meditation technology is one of those ancient awakening tools. This 5000+ year old technology of God-realization is amazing.  Many others have now happily shared this experience of awakening and becoming more like Christ through their daily communion with God. In a shorter sentence: it changes people. Fast.

If you haven’t taken the 40-day meditation challenge in the book, The Gift of Giving Life, I invite you to take my 6-week introductory meditation webinar, which will guide you through your first or subsequent 40-day meditation. The intro webinar is currently on sale and there are partial scholarships, too. You can find more about it and register here. You will also find there a free e-book on meditation if you are hungry for more.

Sat Nam



I am a mother, writer, hypnotherapist, pregnancy yoga teacher, Kundalini Yoga and Meditation teacher, and spiritual childbirth educator. I like to eat vegetables and play in the ocean. I am humbled to be part of this great work.

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