Virtual Book Tour Host Info Page


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This _(guest post, interview, book review)______  is a stop on the Virtual Book Tour for The Gift of Giving Life.


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Earn 3 Free Bonus Gifts when you buy a copy of The Gift of Giving Life by May 15th.  Just visit The Gift of Giving Life to find out the details!


The Gift of Giving Life  Website | Blog | Facebook | Twitter | YouTube  | Amazon


***Here is some other information and pictures you can choose to include.

Book Synopsis:

The Gift of Giving Life: Rediscovering the Divine Nature of Pregnancy and Birth offers something that no other book has before–a spiritual look at pregnancy, birth and mothering by and for LDS women and other women of faith.

The Gift of Giving Life does not advocate for any one type of birth or approach to prenatal care, rather it intends to unify families and communities in regard to the sacredness of birth. We also aim to provide you with resources, information, and inspiration that you may not have had access to all in one place before.

We have been commanded to “multiply and replenish the earth,” but with this commandment we were also given a reason: that we might have joy. We hope that this book brings peace, joy, and comfort to families everywhere.

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Rafflecopter – What it will look like and how to do it

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1 thought on “Virtual Book Tour Host Info Page”

  1. Pingback: The Gift of Giving Life - A Mother's Day Gift - My Insanity

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