Host a Party

We want to have Gift of Giving Life Parties all over the country (and the world), but in order to do that we need volunteers to help us!

If you want to have a party, you can apply to be a hostess. A GOGL party is a gathering designed to get women (and men when appropriate) together in person to share how God’s hand has worked in their lives (in the area of giving life). It is an opportunity for people who wouldn’t normally to hear spiritual birth-related stories. It is also a great way to spread the word about our book.

We offer hostesses books at wholesale. You can pass on the savings or use profit to cover party costs. We have held about five of these gatherings in different states with amazing results (friendships, fun, spiritual growth, etc.)

If you would like to apply to be a hostess please email us a paragraph about yourself, why you want to do it, and how you can support women who may come. All hostesses must sign a code of ethics, have read the book, and be in good standing with the LDS church. Please email [email protected] to apply.

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