
Here Am I

This guest post is by Mandy Williams, who I came to know through my work with ICAN (Internatinal Cesarean Awareness Network).  Mandy has shared part of her inspiring journey in the past on our blog.  She also happens to also be a talented photographer.  You can find her beautiful work on her blog MandyJaneDesigns.  I hope

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The Business of Waiting

As I continue to wait upon the Lord and our daughter, I hope to be able to be more patient with my new understanding. I have done what I need to do. I know that I need to continue to keep myself healthy by eating right and getting good rest. I can choose to be hopeful instead of waitful by taking advantage of this “extra” time to prepare for our baby’s arrival. I can visualize her learning at the feet of my Grandmother or other loved ones gaining that last minute instruction that will help her have the strength and wisdom she will need on this earth.

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