We were so excited that Chocolate was happy to be a part of our book tour. She asked me to write a guest post. Luckily I had some inspiration in the shower one morning and felt pretty excited about what I wrote. (Quite a few of us authors of the book get inspiration in the shower, maybe it is the only place we can be alone!)
This is how Chocolate started the post.
I have known when it was time for each of my children to join our family. It is amazing to me how similar, yet different, each of their births have been. I have learned that though they come from the same gene pool they are each unique with talents and abilities God has bestowed upon them. Motherhood is hard. Knowing what to do, what to teach, how to teach, when to teach is hard. Through it all I have learned that first and foremost they are the Lord’s. And because they are His He will help me.
The Gift of Giving Life is a new book which shares the experiences of many women as they journey through pregnancy and birth, relying on spiritual guidance to help them in their choices, whatever those choices may be. It is so wonderful to read these amazing stories that draw us together as women, as mothers. I have asked Sheridan, one of the book’s authors, to write a guest post for today. I hope you make her feel welcome!
My guest post is about accepting others birth choices because if a mother follows the spirit she is going to be inspired to make the best choice for her and her baby! How can we judge personal revelation???
Here is how it starts
Personal Inspiration for Each Family
In the March Ensign I read an interesting article called Follow the Prophet by Elder Randall K. Bennett. In it he explains how while listening to the prophets and apostles during General Conference both he and his wife were inspired to return their engagement ring so they could use that money to start their food supply. Neither wanted to offend the other by suggesting it, but both were so impressed at the need to they finally did only to find each had felt the same impression.
“But the prompting each of us had felt was too strong to ignore, and the more each of us thought about it, the more glaring that diamond ring became. When Shelley raised the subject a few days after Christmas, I was relieved that she had arrived at the same conclusion I had.”What is your first reaction to reading this? Are you quick to judge this couple for following a spiritual prompting? Are you feeling judged because you didn’t get the same prompting? Do you feel the need to defend yourself for having an engagement ring? Or are you just supportive of their choice?
Please visit Chocolate on my Cranium’s blog to read the rest!