VBT #16: Wonderfully Made Bellies and Babies

2013-05-13 01.20.45 pmToday’s Virtual Book Tour post comes from Nicole at Wonderfully Made Bellies and Babies. She describes herself this way: I am a wife, a mother, a doula, an apprentice midwife, childbirth educator, a sister, a daughter, a Christian, and a true feminist. Here’s an excerpt from Nicole’s post:

No matter what your religious beliefs are, your birth practices are, or what stage of motherhood you are in, this book is written for you.

Women are encouraged to delve further into their immortal, and mortal, lineage. A powerful source of encouragement and strength, women are also encouraged to apply it to their pregnancy, birthing, and parenting. . . .

This book is for all women; women of faith, whether it is faith in her body, her God, or her experience. I am excited to have “The Gift of Giving Life” on my shelf – as it truly is a gift, a gift to be connected with the Divine and the Eternal. And my hope is that others will come to this truth as well!

Thanks for your review, Nicole! You can read the rest of her post HERE.
