I love so much about this print with Eve and Mary. It causes me to deeply reflect…
The sacrifice Eve made so we could all be mothers.
Eve carrying the fruit that caused the fall.
Eve twisted up with the serpent and her humility in the role she was sent to fulfill.
The sorrow and gratitude they have one for the other.
Mary crushing the serpents head and her humility in the role she was sent to fulfill.
Mary carrying the fruit that would help us overcome the fall.
The sacrifice Mary made so we could all be saved.
I wonder…
Were Eve and Mary friends before they came to the earth?
Did they both know the heavy burden they would bear?
Did Mary attend Eve as she birthed her babies?
Was Eve at Mary’s birth of Jesus?
Did they rejoiced as they were reunited, when Mary returned to heaven, having both done as God had asked them to?
Are we not a blend of Eve and Mary?
Carrying a heavy burden of the sacrifice we make as mothers
Often twisted up and tricked by Satan
So very humble as we try to raise these great blessings/challenges of the children we were given
Full of gratitude for the gift of repentance and how that allows us move forward with hope
Because we have the power to crush the serpents head
And will one day enjoy the fruit of eternal life.
How we will rejoice with Eve and Mary sharing our gratitude for the sacrifices they made for us!
Here is another Mary and Eve print I own and love
This one was painted by Katie Garner
*You can purchase the print here.